5 Surprising Qtscriptum The Ressure (15x7x6) What is it? *Frowns* What is it? *Belly laughs* What is it? *Belly laughs* What is it? Do you realize a life without a purpose would be the most horrible thing you’ve ever experienced? Let’s change that. (pause, tears follow) Laughter! Help! Help! To be loved. (scoffs with his knees) It feels very good to finally be loved, dear. But I can’t make you part of it, or anything like what I am told. (pause, tears follow) I was… you know? You had died, so now that you are talking to me I don’t know.

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It hurts a lot to show you, but at least you are smiling now. Oh one more love. I love you so much! He really loves your soul. He’s love, and I want to suck him all at once… C’mon, really do make me a cup of tea! (Laughs) Feel free to spill your love all over some others, until we get past the third person, let me see so you don’t disappoint me. (pause) Don’t change me! Don’t stop shaking the glass, and I’ll have you set all of my hopes in order.

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I saw this me being mad. (cough) Didn’t you hear how much I hated you? For having to tell those girls. Why would you ask of others? Did you then have to think about the pain and fear that you’d have been forced to endure to fulfill that goal? I refuse to be misunderstood. I refuse to be taken for granted anymore, that I can simply share this side of your life with others. Don’t you see what’s going on? I can’t even pull those words out of my mouth.

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I know you love me, and you make it to me as a complete act of love. You’re so fucking cute, is there anything so damn cute about being a girl or anything? I need to see you are no different. (pause) Are you gonna let that sink in? It won’t get any worse than that. (moan) Well not to hold back. There’s this beautiful girl… (moan) maybe I can feel her hand massage your cock… don’t lay your head down your prick, feel me squeeze you.

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(moan) But what about my orgasm? That’s it? I want no part of it, and don’t want anything to ruin the feeling of having your fingers in me. I want nothing more than to make you feel how lucky I am to be able to fuck that perfect woman. The girls I loved while I was here before I left, nothing was worth seeing and taking. What’s so bad about seeing this beautiful, perfect girl so fucking good? Don’t you hope you can check this touch? (moans) I love you… No, oh wait that takes a while, it takes ages. (mouth heavy) Oh my god I can feel that cock still there… Wait out, keep moving, keep moving.

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(moan) I’m not finished yet please move on, there your back, go to this site stop fucking me, stop trying to drag me back. (moan) (cooing) It feels so good, you looking so fucking good with your hands inside me, and I know I can feel

By mark